Made In Singapore

For this topic, I’ve researched on many products invented by our own fellow Singaporeans. However, there is only that caught my eyes. It is none other than the ‘ GIY Stick ‘, GIY stands for ‘Grow-It-Yourself’. This stick helps to self-water the plants when one is away for holiday or not at home for a period of time.


The inventor of this amazing product is none other than Dylan Soh, whom is a 10 year old Singaporean boy. With the aid of his father, they managed to make use of simple Physics theory to create this wonderful product.

How does this product work, you must be wondering. Well, it starts by mimicking nature’s capillary action and waters the plant automatically by bringing water from the bottle to the bottom of the soil. No batteries or apps are needed for it to work. All this product needs is a plastic bottle and a piece of fabric. Just simply fill the plastic bottle with water, attach the piece of fabric to the stick and put it into the bottle. Next, place the stick into the bottom of soil so that the top soil and air breathing roots will still be dry. This is to ensure that the plant is not being overly watered which will cause the root to rot. See, it is that simple to make sure that your plants are watered and remain healthy while we’re out there enjoying ourselves.

Capillary Action waters your plant automatically

Besides that, this GIY Stick can also hang off from the side of your potted plants without causing any trouble. It can fit almost every Household pot, wooden planter boxes, tall pots and even long troughs!

GIY Stick on an eggplant in a vertical planter box

Now you must be thinking, how is it even possible for this tiny plastic stick to hang off the side of the potted plant without dropping or causing the entire pot to topple when there is a bottle of water attached to it? Well, get ready to be surprised because this product can hold up to 5kg of water and can still be hung off the side of your potted plant! Amazing, isn’t it?! The magic behind it is the material that is used, it uses ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) plastic to create this product. Impact resistance and toughness are the most important mechanical properties of ABS thus it is used to make this product so as to make it sturdy for the user to use.

This product is also a great invention to tackle Singapore’s dengue problem. Since the bottle will be capped the entire time, the mosquitoes will not be able to enter the bottle which will prevent it from breeding. Other than that, this product uses recycled materials such as used plastic bottles and pieces of fabric which can be easily found in the household.

As a citizen of Singapore, it is important to do our part to prevent diseases from spreading so as to ensure that we are healthy, strong and free from illnesses. With cases of dengue fever increasing each year, it is even important that we prevent mosquitoes from breeding so that the rate of of people having dengue fever will be reduced. Furthermore, in consideration to our environment, it is important to use recycled material and recycle as it helps us to convert our old products into new useful products. This is good for the environment as we are saving resources and at the same time, sending less trash to the landfills which will help to reduce air and water pollution. Added to that, the accumulation of waste trash will cause us to run out of places to bury them. Thus, we will end up com busting them which will release carbon monoxide and other dangerous green house gases to the environment. As a result, this will lead to global warming.

In a nutshell, as a citizen of Singapore, it is our job to do our part to protect our environment and our people so that we can progress together as a country into a brighter future.

Article title: GIY Stick. Let Nature self-water your pots.
Website title: Kickstarter

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